• "SeungHyun will be a recognized leader in aerosol and construction materials industry"
    The company, creating the value of life through endless challenges and efforts.
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  • "SeungHyun will be a recognized leader in aerosol and construction materials industry"
    The company, creating the value of life through endless challenges and efforts.
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  • "SeungHyun will be a recognized leader in aerosol and construction materials industry"
    The company, creating the value of life through endless challenges and efforts.
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  • Tiger Spray Foam, one-component spay foam
    Tiger Spray Foam is one-component polyurethane foam that can be used for both filling and spaying.
    It can be used for insulation.
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  • Tiger Easy Bond_for multiple purpose
    Tiger Easy bond is multiple purpose one component polyurethane foam which is eco-friendly product not using harmful solvent to human body.
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  • Tiger Foam B1
    Tiger Foam B1 is ultra high flame retarding one-component polyurethane foam and passed German flame proofing standard test, DIN-4102 B2.
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    Provide accurate information through the product catalogue of SeungHyun.
  • Introduce
    of SeungHyun
    SeungHyun, a company that creates the value of life through endless challenges and efforts.
  • Research
    & Development
    Carry on various research and development activities in order to develop the best products.